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Friday, September 24, 2010

有時候 我需要

我不是那麼的堅強 就如你所說的會讓你爭光一場

我不是那麼的脆弱 就如你們口中的果凍蒟蒻

我不是那麼善於表達 就如你所說的我能無遺抒發

我不是那麼言詞拘謹 就如你們說的那麼小心翼翼

我不是那麼的令人期待 就如你們說的讓你拭目以待

我不是那麼的令人失望 就如你們說的我真差勁

我不是那麼的裝瘋賣傻 就如你們所說的另一種抒發

我不是那麼的斯文安靜 就如你們說的不拘一笑

我不是那麼的好心善良 就如你們說的出的廳堂

我不是那麼的波譎雲詭 就如你們說的喜歡扯人後腿

我不是那麼的驕傲自大 就如你們說的一匹黑馬

我不是那麼謙虛懦弱 就如你們說的那麼愛爭功過

一個讓我能自由發揮 不需顧慮別人的願望 的理想

一個能展現剛強 不需或在別人的嘲笑下 的國度

一個完全封閉自己 的墮落黑箱

一群善解人意 不會穿鑿附會 理橫哲曲 的聽眾

一個不會讓人失望 即使那是不好的 的答案

一個能被人理解 知道我還是有不會弱點 的大量

一個不需要偽裝自己 能做好本分 的勇氣

一個傷心時哭泣 開心時笑顏 的自我

一個能無須對每個人善良 但求無愧於心 的自私

一個能平淡過活 不頭角崢嶸 的靜地

一個不被注視 就好像螻蟻鼠輩 的自在

一個能讓人了解 不一小人腹 度君子心 的大方

有時候 我必須懦弱,自私


一個能早點開冷氣 的政策!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bon Boyage

Yea, you're right, this is my room's wall.
i bought this stickers.
it's meaningful.
espacially the letters.

I wrote many words on it.
increases by daily.
altough there are only left 1 month for me to live in this room.
i wrote the quotes that i liked.
some words that could cool me down when I am angry.
some words keep reminding me, escape from insulting.
some words asking me to be a better man.

the event occured recently,
made me had a lot of impression.
does it really harm for us while deciding those?
i don't think so.

Since we're human being, many people had put a lot of hopes in our hands.
As a intelligence, we could know how to release some of it, and embrace our own hopes.
the one who limid, they just used to complete those hopes that given from other,
not really looked unhappy. even not really looked unfortunate.

Human are hard to be.

不一定要在風雨後才看得見彩虹, 彩虹也能自己製造
雖說比較不漂亮 也不持久.
要看見亮麗持久的彩虹, 還是經歷風霜吧!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

暗戀 是種很玄的東西
有時 令人暗濤洶湧 有時 令人難以啟齒
一旦啟齒 變成明戀

明戀 是種很玄的東西
有時 令人心花怒放 有時 令對方兩情相悅
一旦相悅 變成相戀

相戀 是種很玄的東西
有時 令人鳧趨雀躍 有時 令大家難分難捨
一旦分舍 變成單戀

單戀 是種很玄的東西
有時 令人如痴如醉 有時 又令心支離破碎
一旦破碎 變成苦戀

苦戀 是種很玄的東西
有時 令人以為鐵樹開花 又令人撕心裂肺
一旦墜入 便永遠深困泥沼


自戀 是種很玄的東西
有時 令人沾沾自喜 又令人難以自拔

網戀 是種很玄的東西
有時 令人萬分期待 有時 令人萬分失望

奇戀 是種很玄的東西
有時 令人撲朔迷離 有時 令人抓頭問啥

蝶戀 是種很玄的東西
是魏如昀唱的歌 也是他的創作 :D


School reopened
expected and scared.
7 subjects were distributed.
my result was bad.
my BM marks is higher than Chinese.
impressive. right? 
sorry I m not really satisfy with it.
my marks was regretfully regressed.
ok. luckily my Chemistry save it.

should be harder and more hardworking next time.
second trial on 4/10
20days more.

but we're all expecting for the graduation trip.
49days more.

people said that i looked fat recently.
how do u think?

Sunday, September 12, 2010



空虛幾夜 逃不過寂寞的追捕

憐憫從前 甜蜜深被惋惜彌補
回憶淚滴 心痛任它緩緩觸膚

感情是否需要小心 量入為出

是否大意 便失去你微笑音符
萬籟俱寂 只剩回憶為伍

別說你還愛他 拋開我的情話

但你竟為了他 留下我一身傷疤
別說你還愛他 剪掉為我留的一頭長發
剪掉思緒 把溫暖牌給了你愛的他

別說你還愛他 說我不要再傻

別說在我懷裡 說我讓你不再怕
別說你還愛他 不再牽掛我傷口多大
丟下我  一切只為了 你放不下他

你還有那麼一點愛我 這樣對嗎

逐漸發現 我為你焚身付出

以為一切 能泯滅淚光一束
漸行漸遠 我們不再幸福

Saturday, September 11, 2010


What a boring weekend.
yesterday I did not perform as well as i predicted.
but at least, my nervousness improved well.
it's gone.

let's see the photo of the night.
we're just friend.don't misunderstand

why I smiled like that =.=

she's Angela.

kiki again.

first time we took photo.

ready your homework?
second trial exam is coming,

wish you guys enjoy the last day of holiday tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It's common humanity.
I confessed.
No matter how hard you helped him/her before,
they just know how to kick down the ladder.
fortunately i have already use to it.

this second someone is calling you help him to terminate those rumours.
next second, he/she is the one who spreads the rumour more exagerrating.
let it go.
no matter what you did, they just like to pick holes in your work/word.
the betrayer, you know i m talking about you.

You must trample yourself as hard as you can if you want to possess a happy life,
if not there are somebody gonna trample you, frustrate your elan,
don't you tread urself?firstly you need to slander yourself,
then there are no jealousy upon you again.

Friends are willing to listen to your murmur,
ya, that's right,
but there is no wrong while they are spreading your secret,
when it happened, ask yourself:
nobody would take compassion on you,
you are going to beg all consequences,
so consider as clear as you can
while you are trying to tell your friend your secrets.

it's of course that some of them are still having conscience,
talk in front your friend meticulously.

take care . :|

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Yesterday, the bluster of the wind and rain landed here.
while we're going to pick up Athena in airport.
due to the storm,
the flight spiraled on the sky for 1 hour,
a heavy traffic jam occurred in airport.
drove slowly ''tortispeedly''

then, we went to everly hotel for having our dinner,
Athena, we still have a lot of topics.
i can't imagine how sumptuous am i...
thrift using money nowww..

today i am going to see off valerie
who wants to continue her study in Beijing
hope we could travel together next year.

idk why my facebook account can't sign in today!!.
what under maintenance. (>.<)

yesterday skype with kenta and miko,
i have already forgotten what we said.
but i just knew someone just like to ''qi gam hong''
""EXPERT"" in spending others' money
please lar.
why you can't earn yourself.
or you just poooor like that?

11/28 11/28 i am coming. :) 

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Ok, it's holiday mode.
Abigail, Queensley and I decided that we are going to exercise DAILY
i don't think this is unimaginable.

Someone posted this video clip on facebook.
and I'm going to try this,
hope this is effective lorh.

i have finished the arrangement work in our graduation trip.
finally i could prepare my exam mode from now on.
i can't imagine how happy we are while enjoying the trip,
surely we'll provoke a lot of laughters.

and this saturday,
Athena TTL will be back.
i think she has a lot of stories to tell us.
since we seperated twice,
but we still linked each other together,
of course with Abigail, Queensley, Valerie...

Yesterday we were talking about...
next year we want to be backpackers.
talk this only for fun?

who wants to design a trip with me on christmas day?
join my facebook and chat with me.

i dreamt i could swim just now >.<

see you. =]

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Brand New one.

 Sorry for procrastinating in updating my blog.
It has been nearly 3 months I didn't write anythings.
Well, these days I think I had a CLIMAX change in my mind.
A lot of happy and unhappy happened.
It's hard to type it out all but I am going to tell you some.

Firstly, ma birthday is coming soon.
This year I think I should have a unusual one.
but surely not in big one.
 I'm poor nowadays.

Yeap, I just finished our mock exam in UEC.
Honestly, Iexam life. Do you?
It's fun while we are waiting the exam start.

After mournfully appalled by someone,
My heart never recovered from begining to end.
you are such a DEMON in my life!

am busying with the graduate trip now.
but I think it's a impressive memory in my life
please go on as well as possible *whispering & wishing*
Fine, this holiday gonna be boring,
fortunately everynight we are fighting in *** club surreptitiously.
all because of the trip.

Our lovely, Jonathan had decided to further his study in Swinburne,
we were quite melancholic while receiving this bad news ( for us) in last thursday.
he got the scholarship in Science Engineering subjects.
may have a intriguing life there :)

I can see my plan after graduate at a glance
all are interspersed with traveling.
Taiwan,Hong Kong etc.
Iyee, Boon Kyan, See Na, Shirley, KahYan see you soon.
67days more. love ya *.*

new banners, layout, arrangement.
hope you like it.
trying to save my blog again. :)

I forced myself to blog in English,
thou my eng is poor. :-|

ok, stop here. continue next time. hungry >.<