Click Nuffnang :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


沒錯 我是個情感很豐富的人.









天氣太熱, 熱得鏡頭都模糊了



於是今天早上 我們又去吃肉骨茶.

之前           之後



Thursday, April 21, 2011

The 6th Day.

Today, I am going to introduce you guys a movie, which is 2000 product.

Since I like to watch scientific fiction movie.
I found this , The Sixth Day,in PPS accidentally.
the length of the movie is about 2 hours,
I am sure you couldn't leave your eyes on it.

it might be, i saw a terrible suck movie, skyline at the previous day,
so i would feel this is comparatively nicer than it.

In 2015, cloning technology has been sufficiently developed as to allow the cloning of human organs and animals, but reproducing a complete human is explicitly forbidden by the "6th Day" laws, named for the day when God created man. Adam Gibson (Schwarzenegger) is a pilot who runs a charter helicopter business along with his friend Hank Morgan (Michael Rapaport). Michael Drucker (Tony Goldwyn), the owner of Replacement Technologies, a conglomerate that specialize in cloning, charters them for a skiing trip. Due to Drucker's financial and political influence, both Gibson and Morgan undergo blood and eye tests prior to his arrival to verify their identities and aptitude. On the day of Drucker's arrival, the same as Gibson's birthday, Gibson finds that his family dog Oliver (which belongs to his daughter Clara (Taylor Anne Reid) has died, and Morgan offers to take his place as Drucker's pilot to allow Gibson to get his pet cloned. Gibson disagrees to planning on getting the dog cloned but takes a look in Re-Pet anyway and after learning about cloned pets, he decides to have a think about getting Oliver cloned later and gets a Sim-Pal for Clara as a gift for her on his birthday.
Gibson returns home in the evening and finds out that Oliver has been cloned, suspecting that it was his wife Natalie (Wendy Crewson) responsible for the Re-Pet, he is just about to go inside but finds that a clone of himself is at the house and celebrating with his family. Gibson is chased down by security agents Robert Marshall (Michael Rooker), Talia Elsworth (Sarah Wynter), P. Wiley (Rodney Rowland) and Vincent Bansworth (Terry Crews) working for Drucker who are attempting to kill him, but he slips away and seeks refuge at Morgan's apartment. He finds Morgan there, but Morgan is soon shot by Tripp, an anti-cloning fundamentalist, before Gibson can stop and injure him. Tripp reveals that he knows that the version of Morgan in the apartment was an illegal clone, because he had killed him and Drucker at the skiing summit earlier in the day. Tripp commits suicide to avoid capture by Drucker's security team, shooting himself in the head to prevent them from reading his memory to pursue other anti-cloning activists.
Gibson manages to sneak into Drucker's company and encounters the scientist, Dr. Griffin Weir (Robert Duvall), the man behind Drucker's cloning technology. The scientist explains that Drucker and Morgan were indeed killed during the skiing trip, and they sought to clone them to cover up the incident, using a memory capture they performed at the same time as the supposed eye-test. However, they believed that Gibson was piloting the helicopter, and thus accidentally created a Gibson clone before they realized their mistake. Drucker's men have thus been targeting Gibson to prevent the discovery of Drucker's illegal cloning operation; if it was revealed that Drucker was a clone of himself, he would automatically lose all of his resources as clones cannot legally own anything. Weir further reveals that Drucker's human clones are normally embedded with a fatal disease that would kill the clone after about five years, thus giving Drucker leverage in continually cloning them. Weir had only discovered about the disease addition when his wife- who he had cloned back to life after her death five years ago- is discovered to be dying of a traditionally childhood disease. After Weir tells Drucker that he wants to quit, stating that he has promised his wife on her deathbed that he would not clone her again, Drucker kills Weir, intending to clone him and his wife back to life with their recent memories erased, later.
Drucker orders his agents to capture Gibson's wife and daughter to assure his cooperation in resolving the issue. Gibson works out a plan with his clone to invade Drucker's facility and destroy it, and rescue his family as well. Drucker manages to force Gibson to surrender and informs him that he was the clone all along. Drucker tries to convince the Gibson clone to reveal the real Gibson's location as he has Drucker's syncords. Drucker attempts to stop Gibson, which results in the deaths of Marshall, Elsworth, Barnsworth and Wiley, but Gibson and his clone trick him into a trap, ultimately leading to Drucker's final death and his security, while the cloning facility is destroyed. Gibson escapes the complex with the information. The real Gibson arranges for his clone to travel to Patagonia Argentina to start a satellite operation of the charter business as to keep the clone's existence under wraps.
(copied from wikipedia)

is that real, human's technology could reach that level?
cloned pets,cloned organs, cloned human body,
then we can get the thing that we hope so far,

let's enjoy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

哭, 能解決的事






Monday, April 18, 2011


These two songs is for you. the one who's not in mood now.

my dearest friend.

也不知道 妳是傷心, 還是平平.

我們總是反覆 暗戀-相戀-失戀
見面總是 你戀愛了嗎 你失戀了嗎
自由戀愛 沒錯 是讓我們多了很多空間戀愛

古時候, 我們經過媒人介紹 然後相愛 然後永遠
現在 我們沒有媒人 自由戀愛 如果遇到不對的人 便以淚洗臉.

看人來人往 總有人會疼妳一生吧.

早安 ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


最難忘記的 還是那個場景
絡繹不絕的客人當中 出現了你的背影
雖然沒有高跟鞋的襯托 也沒有華麗衣裳的雍容.
你漂亮的那麼動人 那麼簡樸

從那纖瘦的背影, 雪白的肌膚增添了一份心動.
你轉身 雖沒有莞爾一笑 也沒有四目交接
隨手扎起的頭髮 沒有大波浪的性感 也沒有柔順長直髮的誘惑
你甜美得猶如細雨打在臉上得自在 舒服 卻又不失亮麗

深邃眼睛 迷濛眼神
高挑鼻樑 櫻桃小嘴
真的烙印在心裡 我就是鼓不起勇氣

拿了東西 慢慢離去

你會不會 也在芳心自許
還是有了另一半 正在甜蜜的交往

我知道 這可能是第一次 也是最後一次看見你

-一個你不知道姓 也不知道名的仰慕者

今天重溫 蘭姐清蒸非洲魚  (點擊進入面子書網頁)

吃過的人絕對 回味無窮
雖然沒有星級飯店的華麗擺盤 也沒有優雅的環境
只有涼風習習的大樹下 伴這少許馬路的喧囂
味道分成 不辣 普通 加辣
我本身很喜歡吃 加辣
辣到有苦味 但又不適美味
吃得汗流浹背 加上一粒香椰
自然的甜味 還有細嫩的椰肉 真是天衣無縫

之前                       之後

不誇張 真的不留痕跡



我還擔心無法唱歌 /_\



弟弟是虔誠的佛教徒,他的字裡行間寫了一句要我用心去揣摩蘊含在文字裡的道理的箴言:“40歲以前的人生路,是父母為孩子鋪下的;40歲以後的人生路,卻是自己創造的。Go and create your own journey!”

明天要上班了 晚安

Movie and Food.

I am sorry that I had been faded out for months.
This is the time again :D

Yesterday, I went to KLCC to meet Loke and Alice after english class.
the english class made me so tired, especially while doing essay writing.
I didn't write so many words since I graduated.

Just i was waiting them at the center court.
and fetch them to pavilion for lunch.
and we watched Ghost Must be Crazy(鬼也笑)

it has two stories inside, 
kinda like the 嚇到笑 before.
the laughters still same style.
the most unbearable is,
we sit at the first row, which means we had to look by 45 degree elevation.
our neck muscle's frustrated,
the situation became worse when i realized that my chair had broken.
is in Pavilion GSC 7th Hall K06 seat.

Dinner time again, this time i need to introduce a good place.
Restoran Bak Kut Teh Ah Foong, at here
click to get larger map

the tasty soup.

You Zha Guai+ Liong Cha Suet

Wet bak kut teh

Dry bak kut teh (recommended)

only these were enough for us

is this couple.

and after sent them back.
I went to Asia Cafe to join Athena, Jacky and Anthony them.
and 'surprisingly'
my car got aimed by those motherfucker birds,
and peed and dropped on my car.
annoying and I had to clean it up at midnight.

Snowflake again for the next station.
My dearest RedBean Milk Ice,
simple but tasty.

and I was driving my shitty car back.


this morning, i went to Bukit Putih (a.k.a. Uncle Mountain),
mountain climbing activity.
it took 3 hours,
1oam to 1 pm.
and absolutely, plenty of my lunch.

my throat inflammation still not recover.
but I could not wait for the spicy soup again.

going to sleep to recover my collapsed body cells.
recharge my mitochondria.
in the sunny afternoon.

there is gonna be an another aromatic dinner for tonight.(i think)

See You.

Friday, April 15, 2011

食記, 讀記分享


上個星期六, 回到家鄉掃墓. 
這是我堂細佬 榮林(我也不確定是不是這樣寫)



第一餐:美味便宜 東炎炒米粉
第二餐:道地古味 生熟蛋麵包
第三餐:齒頰留香 振華紅豆包
第四餐:彈牙爽口 咖哩干撈麵
第五餐:味覺衝擊 豬油香煮炒

由於 進食量>排放量

跟著昨天晚上 行了山過後

 沒錯 這間餐廳-Bangi Kopitiam
click to enter site: Bangi Kopitiam
這分行(Bandar Tun Hussien Onn)的經理非常熱情

明天又要上課 :X

我覺得非常有意思 所以和大家分享.

改寫我人生的一封信  李永業醫生
文章提及,作者家境貧窮,16歲到充滿種族歧視,暴力的北愛爾蘭念中學,無論在莊稼低頭的夏天還是雪花飄撒大地的冬天,為了省錢,作者曾經工作得滿身沾滿牛糞,為了省錢,把一星期的衣服扛在肩上,擠入火車,為了是到貝爾法斯特姐姐的校舍使用一次2英鎊的洗衣機和烘乾機,途中怕冷而選擇走入無人煙的樹林而被白人揍了一頓。作者一心一意想要離開這個鬼地方,到比較發達的英格蘭讀書,終於收到了來自劍橋大學的信件: We would like to offer you a place in Cambridge University. Providing you achieve the following result for you're A level. Biology A, Physic A, Chemistry A, Math A, Step Exam 1st Class. 舍監對他說:我校165年的歷史以來,從來沒有學生進過劍橋,你不用妄想了。 那年的冬天,冷的不僅是氣候,還包括人心。當時候作者的心裡有股聲音在回蕩:我在北愛爾蘭這四年來,什麼都被偷走了。為了在白人社會裡生存,我失去了自己的靈魂,我連自己的名字、文化也被盜走了……

The article mentioned, the author was born in a needy family, and his father sent him to North Ireland, which is a place that full of racial discrimination, and violence to further his secondary school life. No matter it’s in the fervent summer or the snowing winter, he let those bull shits stuck on his body, carried the plenty of clothes on shoulder just to travel by train, he only wanted to use the 2 Pounds washing machine and dryer at his sister’s hostel, in Belfast, and unintentionally, he had a trouble with pale men, in the grove, while taking the shortcut. By the time, the author only wanted to leave that sucks place and go for study in England, he received the offer letter from Cambridge University: We would like to offer you a place in Cambridge University. Providing you achieve the following result for you're A level. Biology A, Physic A, Chemistry A, Math A, Step Exam 1st Class. But the warden told him:” There is no one could enter Cambridge since the 165 years history of our school, you’re delusional.”  It’s not only the cold weather, and also the humanity. There was a sound in author’s mind: Since this 4 years in Ireland, all my goods have been stolen, I lost my soul, my name, even my culture, is just only for living in pale men society……..



Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I have a prompt idea, which is, i wish to change my blogging style into, food introduction? or traveling? erm, it's a good idea with. 

I swallowed a spoon of hot soup(super spicy) very quickly and made my throat get inflamed,
and felt chilly and fever last night and insomnia after 4am. how poor is it. since I have been 3months didnt get sick. 

it makes a lot of laughter while Alice was narrating the origin of Lazy is the formula.

Gan Ley Sze = Gan Lazy
Gan Lazy= Lazy Gan
Gan = Gun
hence, Gan Ley Sze = Lazy Gun.

It's glad, heard that Stephen is going to india at the end of this month, wish him all the best in his future, i meant after he become a dentist? so nice if i have a dentist friend. and I will try to take a visit to India,            if possible.

initially I intended to go to connaught night market with reachel and skl them, but my throat spoiled it. 

and I wanna sing sing sing sing, next thursday imma going to neway cheras.
._. ready my sound. :D

I read the newspaper, which talked about the astro star quest. sounds very miserable.

see you guys. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


As the title, it had been 3 months that I didnt update my blogg.
it's time to sweep out the ,urhm...dusts. 

fyi, the working life in KL is too monotonous, 
just few chances to hang out with friends,
actually the biggest reason is- laziness. 
the tasks that I have to do everyday are so challenge-less
I even felt asleep in office, absolutely while boss is absent. 

i m tired of waiting for the traffic jam,the federal highway always happens.
i think it's the time to drop in alice and alice 's rooms.
maybe next week.

since someone liked my post yesterday.
I am persuaded to update my blog secondly, in 2011.

7th of May i am going to take my Ielts exam, wish me with millions of luck. 
thank you.
and I am having my workshop courses at UCSI every saturday,
it's of course you could make an appointment to me for lunch, or brunch.

ok fine.

英文的部分真是詞窮了 ._.

因為踏出第一步真得很難 我不想被定義成想吃天鵝肉的xx.
但是也不想淪落到 海畔有逐臭之夫 的境界
這是我最後一次寂寞- 喊話

唯一讓我滿足的是每天傍晚跑步經過別人家的廚房 聞到的飯香
當你正在做一件不是很願意做的事情時, 只要有刺激填補你的慾望 那麼這不再是苦差
希望我在8月前成功 :X 我不要被踢下海

馬爾代夫- 是妄想

不要拼命地在大家興致勃勃時做結論. 就像你在小解過程不希望被人打斷吧

大家都會經歷一個饑渴的過度期, 總有人為你解渴, 把水灌得太緊 你會嗆到.

誰說我不想買相機, 手機, 筆電, 衣服, 鞋子.
可是只要想想未來, 慾望變慢慢減低.
很多零零碎碎的夢想, 會讓人滯留.
如果你有能力付出那個資本, 而不讓你心痛太久, 你才可以付.
所以, 每個人對心痛時間長短的定義, 資本得多少都是不同的.
下次在說人很揮霍或這很克儉的時候 要知道這一點.

