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Friday, April 15, 2011

食記, 讀記分享


上個星期六, 回到家鄉掃墓. 
這是我堂細佬 榮林(我也不確定是不是這樣寫)



第一餐:美味便宜 東炎炒米粉
第二餐:道地古味 生熟蛋麵包
第三餐:齒頰留香 振華紅豆包
第四餐:彈牙爽口 咖哩干撈麵
第五餐:味覺衝擊 豬油香煮炒

由於 進食量>排放量

跟著昨天晚上 行了山過後

 沒錯 這間餐廳-Bangi Kopitiam
click to enter site: Bangi Kopitiam
這分行(Bandar Tun Hussien Onn)的經理非常熱情

明天又要上課 :X

我覺得非常有意思 所以和大家分享.

改寫我人生的一封信  李永業醫生
文章提及,作者家境貧窮,16歲到充滿種族歧視,暴力的北愛爾蘭念中學,無論在莊稼低頭的夏天還是雪花飄撒大地的冬天,為了省錢,作者曾經工作得滿身沾滿牛糞,為了省錢,把一星期的衣服扛在肩上,擠入火車,為了是到貝爾法斯特姐姐的校舍使用一次2英鎊的洗衣機和烘乾機,途中怕冷而選擇走入無人煙的樹林而被白人揍了一頓。作者一心一意想要離開這個鬼地方,到比較發達的英格蘭讀書,終於收到了來自劍橋大學的信件: We would like to offer you a place in Cambridge University. Providing you achieve the following result for you're A level. Biology A, Physic A, Chemistry A, Math A, Step Exam 1st Class. 舍監對他說:我校165年的歷史以來,從來沒有學生進過劍橋,你不用妄想了。 那年的冬天,冷的不僅是氣候,還包括人心。當時候作者的心裡有股聲音在回蕩:我在北愛爾蘭這四年來,什麼都被偷走了。為了在白人社會裡生存,我失去了自己的靈魂,我連自己的名字、文化也被盜走了……

The article mentioned, the author was born in a needy family, and his father sent him to North Ireland, which is a place that full of racial discrimination, and violence to further his secondary school life. No matter it’s in the fervent summer or the snowing winter, he let those bull shits stuck on his body, carried the plenty of clothes on shoulder just to travel by train, he only wanted to use the 2 Pounds washing machine and dryer at his sister’s hostel, in Belfast, and unintentionally, he had a trouble with pale men, in the grove, while taking the shortcut. By the time, the author only wanted to leave that sucks place and go for study in England, he received the offer letter from Cambridge University: We would like to offer you a place in Cambridge University. Providing you achieve the following result for you're A level. Biology A, Physic A, Chemistry A, Math A, Step Exam 1st Class. But the warden told him:” There is no one could enter Cambridge since the 165 years history of our school, you’re delusional.”  It’s not only the cold weather, and also the humanity. There was a sound in author’s mind: Since this 4 years in Ireland, all my goods have been stolen, I lost my soul, my name, even my culture, is just only for living in pale men society……..



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