Click Nuffnang :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Complicated mood and life in camp.

No photos at all.

the members' number is not fix.

There are many people in-and-out everyday.

It's chaos.

Many things had not been prepared before it.

No air-cond!!!!

Fortunately our school build in forest.><

Science fiction again~

Before enter home.

I went to the new-open saloon to haircut.

I said just trim it.

Then he cut my hair like a kid.


Definately i was angry.

Rush out from the shop.

I promised won't go there for the next time!.

Shit technique.

So.There's a recommondation.

Don't go the barbershop.



Many foul language now. @#$!#$^%*^&^@#$@!$#$%^!#%!$

Monday, December 21, 2009


Movie time again.
Last night i watched this movie.
I LOVE to watch Science Fiction Movie.
Most of them are incentive,creative,attractive!

And teach us a lot of unknown knowledge.
Stimulate my interest in physical knowledge.

The man in 23 century use starship to explore universe.
Which can move with warp engine.(move higher then speed of light 300000000m/s)

It is unbelievable in present technology.
But it may produce in future century, or decade?
The development of science is triple from day to day.
According to credible statistic.

Besides,the meanie in this movie.
use red material to produce a huge gravitaion black hole.
Aim is to destroy a star.
Some scientist believe.There are black hole and white hole
in this universal.
The substance inhale by black hole will release through white hole.
past through wormhole.(link between white and black hole)
All the substance inhaled will smash to particles.
When man can contral the wormhole,then we can control the movement of these hole.

Light speed travel maybe an illusion.
If we success in this domain.
Then we can go to the past.
This also according to Principle of relativity.
The forth dimension--time.
They trust, space can save time message.
If we controlled forth dimension.
then we can control time.

But I'm still confuse in Ward movement.
The data i found in website.
who can explain to me?
This article contain many physical terms.
in addition,my enligsh standard is poor.
so,i found it in chinese.





  以爱因斯坦所提到的 "四度空间" 模型,我们所身处的三度宇宙空间亦会向第四度(时间轴)弯曲,一如二度空间的平面向三度空间弯曲,而形成一个球形。(事实上说 "四度时空" 会比 "四度空间" 恰当, 但大家都说习惯 "四度空间" 了, 下面也就不改口了)

  把我们所身处的宇宙想象成这样的一颗球,只差是向时间轴弯曲而不是向 z 轴弯曲。 我们所处的空间即是球体的最表面,而从表面往球中心点算进去,就是所谓的子空间。


  事实上,曲速也不算是 "进入" 子空间,充其量也不过是利用线圈所产生的子空间力场,让光速的物理限制从真实空间移往子空间来计算罢了。试想,在球径较小的球体上,移动一定的距离,以所航程经过的相同角度投影到外层球径较大的真实空间,距离便可以超过光速了,由于此时真实空间的物体速度,是取决于子空间力场深入宇宙球体中心的深度(越往中心点靠近,移动同一距离的影响,投影到真实空间的距离也就越剧增(指数倍)。所以才会有曲速与真实速度的对照表。


  当然了,相对于在真实空间加速无法突破光速,StarTrek里的 starship 似乎也飙不到 warp10。(除了少数例外的几集)  


  在 StarTrek 里,曲速航行应该是利用子空间 field(翻译成 "力场")。借由这个 subspace field 与子空间相互作用,让时间轴倾斜的情形在子空间上并不会造成与行进方向相平行的不合理现象,借此突破光速。而当 subspace field 强度越强,所作用的子空间也就越接近四度空间球形模型中的宇宙中心,此时以subspace field 在靠近宇宙中心点子空间移动一定的距离,投影至真实空间上的 starship 速度当然就遽增。所以才会有曲速每跳一级,starship 的速度就呈 "指数倍" 跳升的现象吧。当物体以曲速航行时, 还是在真实空间上, 并无所谓 "物质" 存在于子空间的说法。所谓的子空间力场,是作用于子空间作用的。并不是说船因此而 "进入" 子空间。而是将整艘船被包在 "子空间" 移动的作用范围内。一个球状的四度空间的球型宇宙模型上, 足可解释这个现象。


  其实有关于真实世界的物体无法超过光速的看法是爱因斯坦出生时的那个年代人的想法。起因于有人发现到一个非常难解的现象: "无论物体运动的速度为何,所测到的光速值都是一致的。" 这是实验的结果,而不是有人事先提出解释这件事。只是这个实验结果太过于诡异,使得解释它的人众说纷纭。

  其中劳伦兹所提出的理论(事实上类似的理论也不是他先提出来的,更早提出理论的人反而因为是无名小卒而乏人理会)这个理论便是: "所有物体都会沿着运动方向缩小自身的距离,使得测到的光速值维持一致。" 并写下了劳伦兹转换式,可以精确计算出何种速度下物体缩小的距离,还有时钟变慢。当然这种说法有点吊诡,也有些无赖。有人的印象认为这就是 "相对论",那实在是差远了。爱因斯坦那时还只是一个无名小卒呢。

  其实爱因斯坦的相对论完全放弃了 "时间变慢" "距离缩短" 的想法,而改以一个四度空间的模型来解释实验数据。解释得很帅,只是太多人对其有错误印象罢了。小弟以前也曾经想过时钟变慢的问题,那时小弟想,既然是相对运动,那就无所谓绝对运动,那又怎么会有静止的人时间不变,而运动中的时钟变慢呢。若按照相对运动来说,反而应该是双方都认为对方的时钟变慢了呢。

  不过有趣的是是,以爱因斯坦的四度空间模型来看,还真的是会发生两个之间有运动差的物体,彼此观察对方的时钟,都认为对方时钟变慢的现象呢。小弟以前没实际推算过四度空间的运作方式,那天在 EXPLORE!探索频道上看科学的足迹4x(正确的集数忘了)节目时,它演绎了一遍四度空间模型,真是棒透了。所有的物理理论,模型,都是为了解释真实世界上所发生的现象。然而差强人意的是,往往解释了一边,另一边就出现了矛盾。感觉上就好像是地毯上破了一个洞,想找块合适的布料填补上去。但因布料剪得形状不恰当,结果试图将布料放进去时,这边放得进去,结果另一边就塞不下了。


  但是小弟必须再强调的是,爱因斯坦的相对论完全放弃了 "时间变慢" "距离缩短" 的想法。他的想法是,运动中的物体,其时间轴会沿着运动方向倾斜过去。也就是说,它有自己的时间轴。再换句话说,所有的物体都有自己的时间轴,由于时间轴的倾斜,所以观察其它物体时才会认为对方时间变慢,距离变短。

  因为在真实世界里,若单靠推进动力加速物体,如果依传统牛顿力学来看,其速度会越来越快,然後突破光速。然而新一代的科学家则认为当物体速度接近光速时(从别人的眼光看来),其质量会增加(当然还是从别人的眼光看来),距离会缩短(还是另外一个观察者的看法),使其永远无法突破光速。 但爱因斯坦的四度空间则是达光速的物体,其时间轴倾斜至与行进方向相平行,也是一个不合理的现象,所以理论上依然有光速限制的部份。


Friday, December 18, 2009


















那麼 '锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。' 不是矛盾了嗎?其實不然


再者,在'割臂求生'這故事,體現出了 爛蘋果定律.











(OS:I am highly contemporarism)


1. 你的名字:郑启杰

2. 最近最鬱闷的事:我很懒惰阿>.< 我要回家

3. 最受不了自己的哪个缺点: 不瘦==

4. 遇到喜欢的人,你是勇敢表白还是默默关注:测试她对我的感觉,然后再审时度势,乘胜追击。

5. 说出点你名的人3个优点(不可删除题):不熟他wor.

6. 以一个形容词形容点名的人的外表:黑

7. 你现在最想拥有的是什麼?:平凡,简单,的人生

8. 什麼时候感觉最开心?:看林乐,弄丽斯,吃思惠,大仁爱,骗声琪,斗晓薇。哈哈

9. 恋人/老公/老婆让你最欣赏的优点是什麼?:拒绝回答。哈哈哈

10. 覺得自己的性格是 ? :好吃懒做

11. 现在最想做的事 ? :跑步

12. 接下来最想去旅行的国家或城市 ? :差不多是台湾

13. 你为什麼要回答这些问题 ? :显就顺便咯

14. 你选对象的条件:不蠢,不肥,最好是她会听我话

15. 什麼时候觉得孤独 ? :最近还好

16. 最近一次掉眼泪是 ? :好像是昨天沙子入眼的时候

17. 內在美還是外在美重要 ? :看什么地点,时候,工作

18. 家人重要还是伴侣重要 ? :伴侣=家人,所以是家人

19. 你希望点你名的人成为你的 ? :朋友咯

20. 你觉得何谓精彩人生? :y=sin x,自己做了什么x,就会有什么y.可能y是很不好,可能是很好,也可能是任何结果。

被我点名的 :

Thursday, December 17, 2009


This photo took in Yesterday.
I love my friend.
Include you, all.
My life is depend on friends,who giving a GenuineHeart.
I lost many friend in my life.
Many of those because of me.
But some're not.

I'm very proud of you.
Since we are very close.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
I think i am not totally lost you,but temporarily.
I'm waiting you.
As your word, it's not your fault.
I trust you fully.
Until now.And ever.

But i really heartbreaking just now.
Am i think too much?
I hope that.
But we'd never like this.
You proceed it if u think it is worth.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


This is only the one photo i took.
Too busy to eat.xP
wake up in 7.40 morning.
6 hours slept.
I think this bbq is not enough in plan.
I realized that I wasn't buy the charcoal.
So we go to buy in SK.
Besides,lighter,meatballs,hotdogs,brushes etc.
chaos situation.
Some unhappy event.but it past.
ok.i need to do my financial report now.

So.we went to see this movie in 3pm.
only me,sheng and sherine.
Horror but nice.
coward sheng and I,kept covering our eyes.
This shown long time ago.
but we see on desolate season.
the orbit cinema become HOT when a lot people sitting in.
just like 2012,with athena.
rest now.
(OS:can't read my can't read he cant read my poker face....)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Island.

Becauseof this movie.
I broke my record this year and slept on 5.XX am.
and just now i saw a dumpcart start its work.
I am definately crazy~~.
this movie was published in 2005.
4 years ago.
but it having a big support in PPS.
you can find there.
Such a good movie.
I like it.
Scarlett Johansson.
She is pretty in this movie.
But i cant confirm now.
She is married.
i am having my last paper.
My eyes are full of capillaries.
and i think my liver is going to EXPLODE.
for my insufficient sleep.
ok. stop here.
hope you can enjoy this movie.
and give some support for my blog.
thankz 0.<

Saturday, December 12, 2009



I did a significant decision.
Fade out Fade out Fade out.
Just keep in the content.
I think i become fatter and fatter during holiday.
But kinda satisfy in these kind of life.
Joey,my pretty friend's sister-in-law.
Had opened a Bag Shop.
furthermore,she will have a make-up classes there.
Just simply promoting.
I will upload the photo next.
I will finish my spm the day after tomorrow.
but i think it is no surprise.
because just same with previous situation.
and we will having a party after that.
and going to sing k.
hope the new year coming quickly.
to have a gathering with my Primary friends.
and buy new clothes.
play around.
heard that my parents want to go Hainam Island next year.
surely i am fighting.
stop here.comment.
(OS: sometime there is a good enjoyment while having a monotonous life.)

Friday, December 11, 2009


List 5 of your best friends ♥:
1. Wynn
2. Athena
3. Valerie
4. some of 7 flower
5. some of Kwong Hon

List 3 people which you are most hate:
1. Someone in my class
2. Someone keep obsessed with me.(IRRITATING)
3. pig

The prettiest and cute-est people among your friends❤:
1. SzeHui
2. Carmen
3. Strawberry
4. many many
5. Super Star OI

The most handsome people among ur friends:
1. CLYDE!!
2. Bryan
3. WeiJie
4. Leozai
5. someone xP

The most ugly people among your friends
1. you loh
2. you loh
3. you loh

The largest difference between photo and reality:
1. oioi oioi oioi oioi oioi
2. hehe
3. sheshe

Who get marry earliest?:
♥: Sheng==
♥: oioi

Do you trust your friends?
♥: May be

Lastly,do you wish ti keep contact with old friends or making new relationship?
♥: Both

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I'm not insomnia now.
But excited.
Besides i had a siesta for 2 hours.
I didn't drink or eat any STIMULANT foods or drinks.

I still awake now. 2.08am of 10/12/2009.
gan birthday past.><
Perhaps i should do something meaningless.

And.4 days later to finish my SPM.
i wish to change a new hairstyle.
within school permission.
alalalala <-alice likes to say.
And I learned a new vocab.
Cliche from Athena's sister.

thats all.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


A series.
The last one is RUDE.
anyway.i like it><.
Today is GAN's birthday.
We were having our gathering in Sushi Tie.
Not delicious.moderate only.
Then go to WC in Everly hotel->home.
Hope tomorrow can watch NINJA.
thats all.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This is my latest photo.
Abnormal face.

I just dyed my hair just now.
Black in colour.just wasting the Colorant which expired soon.
Chat with VICTIM Athena in afternoon.
laugh a lot.
I realized that the pronunciation of 'DENY'.
Okay. My fault.Learner mar><
Independent <----this topic.
I think for a long time.
Divided to Physically Independent and Mentally Independent.
Is that one learns physically independent then he/she can Autochephaly?
Not really.
A conversation happened few months ago.
Me:I suggest you to live with others family when you rent a room outside,because they can help you to clean up someplace such as toilet.
Someone:Then how to you learn to independent?
Ya,i might be wrong.
But those are physically independent.
For mentally independent.
They should possess a mature brain.
which can solve the problems faced.
Either in academic or in LIFE.
isn't it?
Those just my own opinion.
If you are disagree.just deny it. and beat it.
I like to eat in New Seaview Restaurant.
Wynn's mother is nice.
Finally finish Chemistry paper.
left chinese on next monday.
eventually can rest for a week.
And i am going to hibernate.after that.
i wan buy new clothes.
I am expecting how the school would be like in next year.
Making some great decision nearly.
Say NO to XXX.
Tired to face them.
I'll become senior in school next year.
Means can be arbitrarily recklessly?
hope so but impossible.
I am really really hard to renew daily.
but failed with LAZINESS.
I am watching Barbaric Mother,Gozilla.
You must know what i were meaning if u like to watch HongKong Sitcom.
Stop here.Comment
(OS: don't see my blog in case u are unfriendly!)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


We like this.
But my fingers look like so NOOB.
don't know why.

This picture took in Riverfront Restaurant.

In 9/ birthday.



In my house.was stuying.

Readying for dine.

Just post some picture.

PREFER first one!

on 4th of december.





(OS:u leave me alone)


First and foremost.i would like to introduce something for you.
Suddenly found.
My first branded bag.Animal.
Had promoted new style of watch.

Autumn Winter Watches.

Simple colour.but i like its simplicity.
Who want buy for me?hehe
About 50.............pound.
Someone calling me materialistic boy.
i confess.
Since i love its bags' design.
My school bags.Green in colour.
I love it too much since my aunt present as a give for me.
So don't laughing on my taste.special right?
perhaps someone are tease on me.
don't mind.

This bag.only cost 24.99 pound.
I hope i'll get it on CNY.
SEEEEE here my mum!

And this sunglass too...

i wan to buy it.><

Any details please visit.


Ok.back to my life.

Today's work->kakak

Sweep Mop Wash Dry.

But i enjoy it.

My mum just bought 2 trousers and 1 cloth for me.

I wan to meet them(either clothes or mum)










Sleep time now.


Expecting our BBQ.

I may be a wonderful morning.


Confidential project is going on.

Hope i can TRIUMPH!

Stop here.comment

(OS:Loving all i wanna do)

Thursday, December 3, 2009


These are some pictures I took it morning.
Uniform Series.
Found that i like to take photo in morning.
A big collection of this series.
Start to lazy blogging again.
I was trying to improve my driving skill.
Some noticeable progression.
just now am having dine with Bryan.
Cute didi.
14 this year.quite nice.
Knew that he is going to KL.
Our next gathering.->cinema or M-box
He was frightened when i told him i use RM9 to sing 4 hours.
Gong Sam Gai comment.
Predictable Ending.
I'd denied my Friendster account for a long period.
More interest in facebook.
And to filt Mr. or Ms. Ma.
These few day keep webcam chatting with Simon Chong.
who is a humorous person that i knew in Sabah.
Provokes a lot of laughter(i use this twice)
While we waiting our lunch in New Seaview Restaurant.
some funny things occur.
Pai Kut Suan Tian.
lazy to explain.
Joey Wong keep selling Melilea product for me.
I m keen on some product.
But that is secret.
and keep warning me something behind me.
Nowadays we like to take others' ugly pose.
For Birthday Suprise.
Confidential for reader.sorry.
They would angry if i post.
Last but not least.
An unfortunate news.
Heard in 1st of December while i was studying.
My dude.Athena.
Get hurted in a critical accident.
Quite severe.
Glasses in her skin.
Hope she will recover soon.
I am going to drop in her house tomorrow afternoon.
As a lovely friend.
Become back a lenglui.
I wan to see Saw XI
with friend.
In dolby sound room.
with high quality of blu-ray disc.
Since i'd long time didnt watch a high quality movie.
Tired,stop here.Comment.
(os:Everynight i rush to the bed....sweet dream from Beyonce)

Monday, November 30, 2009


This is my latest photo.
'Cheating People'

Ya...belated updates.
All because of annoying BIOLOGY.
which keep disrupt my sleeping time.

Finally, we'd released since 3.30pm.
Ah Eng(our biology teacher) really indescribable accurate!
The paper 3 of SPM is almost same like our first trial paper.
But unnaturally,i was having a supper with LIZIN at Lesung.
where we called it high standard malay restaurant.
And meet Hui's brother while i was leaving.

These day keep contacting with a new friend.not bat.but he is so cool!

Since my mum went to KL.
A lot of frightening terrible situation.
1.Barrel falled down in non-airflow space.
2.All the thing go back their own place after i use it(actually i put it.)
3.a lot.

So,i went to a ice-shop with Katak.
Meet Maymun.
Small town.but i gonna leave after senior three.

Then go back to watch gong sam gai.
Last 2 episode.
I think it is stimulating.

Dinner with szehui,alice,sheng
now i'm in Sheng house.
going to sleep here.

More comfortable(hehe)
Hope finish Science,Chemistry and Physics exam quickly
I want to watch NINJA!
I think i m going expand expand expand!

I wear contact lens for 15 hours today.
Very dry.and tired.

Hope to back KL soon.
meet Carmen,Yiikei,Kahyan,Iyee,BK and more more more.
Recalling our wonderful memories.
Sleep now.Nitezzz...

Stop here.Comment.
(OS:what is gravitational potential energy?xD sheng keep asking me)

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Nothing to say again.
Yesterday went to beach after studying in Stephen house.
Drinking ABC.with Alice and SzeHui.

Then, Evon's home restaurant.
Not bad.
Hate to stay in home lonely.
I am going to crazy.
Damn boring.

Keep hearing some weird eerie sound in living room while i was reading BIO.
Got car to drive but no where to go.

Breakfast in MEGA.
is that my life is sucks,eating here and there.aimless.
Mastama for rest(air conditioner)

(OS:I'm not having a sweet dream but scary nightmareTT)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tik Toc...

This is a clock.FAKE.

On my room's wall.

Ingredient: Spoiled Clock.

Sorry for my ugly edit.

But I like it.

25/11 Night.

Athena,Anniey,Kheng Shii and I, was hanging out in 'Thousand Star'

There was no parking space but the food is delicious.Expensive too.

Nasi Lemak+Ayam goreng cost RM7.90

Normal one only.

Then,fetched WeiXing, and went to SummerTea.

Damn bored.

Bintulu no place.

WeiXing kept shy,called 'suit into circumstance'

I suggested to PLAY this.


Yesterday I LAZE in house for the whole day.

Went Farley for breakfast in the morning with Wynn.




I'd change my TM phone package.

I could call fixed line phone unlimitedly with limited fee.

Called Carmen and Yiikei.

Chat a lot.

Laugh a lot.

We are so bad.The joy came from gossiping....


Then went to have a dinner in Korean Restaurant.

With family.

Wynn work there.

'The vegetable was incorrigible,the meats were unpreserved.

Not delicious.

Fortunately it was cheap.


Later my mum and my sis will go to airport.

Envying them.

I want to buy sth too.

I keep studying BIOLOGY.


Stop Here.Comment

(OS:i got a feeling.)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Finally finish my Add Math. exam.

not bad for me but careless in paper 2.

TIRED too.

after finish our paper 1 exam.

we had 4 hours of rest time.

Surely we won't miss the relax opportunity.

Then we went to TianXiang Chicken Rice Shop.

Hot and full.but better than yesterday.

proveked a lot of laughter.

Drinking Seacoconut.

went to Parkcity Mall.

(Sheng paid the parking fee.)

First time i drove into it.

We made people's focus on us.

Because of our school uniform?


This took in NOSE.

look like short.Mirror's fault.

Hui and Me the N times photo.

Rest in Sheng house.

Using OSIM.


Alice who keep plan to frighten me

Miserably.Failed twice.


We all felt exhausted after sitting in examination room.

in 2pm.

surrounded with sleepy tone.ZZZzzzZZZzzz.

Fortunately i'd finish my paper within the time.

To celebrate we'd finish 6 subject.

We were having our 'high tea'

beside the beach.

(Hate)Smoke Smoke Smoke(Hate)

Meet panjang.

He's quite a good person.

The car's oil left 7km to walk.

I'll pump later.

Either Petronas or Shell xDDDD

later will hang out with KhengShii.(click on)

who just back from Australia.

And also with Athena who will fall in trepidation with CATS.

Unfortunately.The place we will meet .Seribu Bintang has many many uncountable cats.

Let's pray for her.

And also SiHui.(Jong)

Go to bath now.

tomorrow need to study in Biology.


(OS:I haven't found people who can accompany me in the following week.)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I am just back from library.
Altough i only went there for 10 minutes.fetch Alice only.
fatigued fatigued fatigued.
before i went to library.
I did wash the car since 1.30pm to 3.00pm.
omg.but satisfied with the consequense.


But golly,the dog cage of our 'lovely' neighbour kept give out foul stench.

Since I was small.i liked to wash the car because to play water.

After 6years(or longer) first time i wash the car.The sense is Memorable.

Let's bless for oioi who squeezing her mind in BK(Bible Knowledge) paper.

Today's moral paper not really difficult but i use 2 hours to finish it.

Longer than usual.

Satisfied too.

Then we had had our lunch in Pizza.

Total RM77.xx for 4 people.Normal but FULL!!!

Jack went to Kapit for training.1month.long right?

Raining to rain but not now.

My car have just washed!!!!!!!!!

It's long time I didn't take photo.

Same with other.we all fighting for SPM.

tired but happy.

Furthermore, my skin getting worse and worse.

Sleep insufficient for many days.

Sheng said:"Why your eyelid swollen?"


Annoying that.

Tomorrow will have Add. Math exam.

hope i can score well.

catchphrase:Because yesterday i had 念经>.<

We organising to go natural walk after SPM?

anyone willing to join us?

And I try to persevere for blogging daily.

Stop here.Comment.

(OS:it doesn't need to complicate)

Monday, November 23, 2009


Normal days.
It's tired to did Mathematics work.
and the invigilator do not allow us to go out early.

In the morning,we 6 people went to DaLi coffee shop for breakfast.
in hurry speed,because we arrived there in 7.15am and our exam will starting in 30mins later.
Excite right?
After dined, when we were doing the Maths. paper.
we felt something wrong in our stomach.
OMG. all PAIN!
regret to ate there.

After the exam [12.30pm]
Clyde,Jessica x2,Rachel,HL,Joy went to CoffeeShop
eat 'Bak Kut Teh'
is that weird that we eat that 'HOT and SPICY' food in extremely hot weather?
Golly,but felt well.

Today i was talking to Sheng, the main invigilator (zhongping) look like Wong Hok Yeong (a HongKong conductor.really.

The house beside me is keep sound NNNNNNNNNNNNN
Decoration is in progress..
so i am going to library now.

Thats all for today.Comment pls.
(OS:what the hell of the undesired sound.huh)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New blog opening~

I am opening this blog for occasion.
Although I am in SPM season xP.

There was BM,BI and Sejarah exam in 18 and 19 of nov.
i have confidence to pass all of them xD

When I arrived house. a good news from my mum.
My younger sis get 7A in her UPSR.
it's a quite good result for her.
then she must able to study in KAIDEE

Besides that, my mum told me that a barbershop will be opening soon on ground floor of my house
(i live in shophouse xD)
but hope that is a high star salon.

yesterday,i went to Melilea Bintulu Centre.
accompany Wynn to do her skin test.
with 'sense of participation' Pudding's sister made a skin test for me.
oil content:66%(i did it after driving in hot weather. ><)
moisture content: 88%

countdown 21 days to liberate from [EXAM]
and having our gang's BBQ for the next day.
we are expecting for those.

Anyone wish to travel with me after that?
anyway with low cost and full of fun.

my mum and 2 sisters will go to KL for 9 days since this Friday.
good new:i can study with low disruption
bad news:i need to handle my dine for 9 days.
hoping my mum buy clothes for me.
i m lack in new clothes now.

Ron just back from China.
KK now.
and Athena will go for Sg. Muar. KL. and many place next month.
envy ing.

stop here. comment pls.
(OS: kepekaan dan perasaan cinta yang mendalam serta berkekalan yang lahir daripada hati yang ikhlas)