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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bon Boyage

Yea, you're right, this is my room's wall.
i bought this stickers.
it's meaningful.
espacially the letters.

I wrote many words on it.
increases by daily.
altough there are only left 1 month for me to live in this room.
i wrote the quotes that i liked.
some words that could cool me down when I am angry.
some words keep reminding me, escape from insulting.
some words asking me to be a better man.

the event occured recently,
made me had a lot of impression.
does it really harm for us while deciding those?
i don't think so.

Since we're human being, many people had put a lot of hopes in our hands.
As a intelligence, we could know how to release some of it, and embrace our own hopes.
the one who limid, they just used to complete those hopes that given from other,
not really looked unhappy. even not really looked unfortunate.

Human are hard to be.

不一定要在風雨後才看得見彩虹, 彩虹也能自己製造
雖說比較不漂亮 也不持久.
要看見亮麗持久的彩虹, 還是經歷風霜吧!

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