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Monday, November 30, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Nothing to say again.
Yesterday went to beach after studying in Stephen house.
Drinking ABC.with Alice and SzeHui.
Then, Evon's home restaurant.
Not bad.
Hate to stay in home lonely.
I am going to crazy.
Damn boring.
Keep hearing some weird eerie sound in living room while i was reading BIO.
Got car to drive but no where to go.
Breakfast in MEGA.
is that my life is sucks,eating here and there.aimless.
Mastama for rest(air conditioner)
(OS:I'm not having a sweet dream but scary nightmareTT)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tik Toc...

Yesterday I LAZE in house for the whole day.
Went Farley for breakfast in the morning with Wynn.
I'd change my TM phone package.
I could call fixed line phone unlimitedly with limited fee.
Called Carmen and Yiikei.
Chat a lot.
Laugh a lot.
We are so bad.The joy came from gossiping....
Then went to have a dinner in Korean Restaurant.
With family.
Wynn work there.
'The vegetable was incorrigible,the meats were unpreserved.
Not delicious.
Fortunately it was cheap.
Later my mum and my sis will go to airport.
Envying them.
I want to buy sth too.
I keep studying BIOLOGY.
Stop Here.Comment
(OS:i got a feeling.)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
not bad for me but careless in paper 2.
TIRED too.
after finish our paper 1 exam.
we had 4 hours of rest time.
Surely we won't miss the relax opportunity.
Then we went to TianXiang Chicken Rice Shop.
Hot and full.but better than yesterday.
proveked a lot of laughter.
Drinking Seacoconut.
went to Parkcity Mall.
(Sheng paid the parking fee.)
First time i drove into it.
We made people's focus on us.
Because of our school uniform?

Rest in Sheng house.
Using OSIM.
Alice who keep plan to frighten me
Miserably.Failed twice.
We all felt exhausted after sitting in examination room.
in 2pm.
surrounded with sleepy tone.ZZZzzzZZZzzz.
Fortunately i'd finish my paper within the time.
To celebrate we'd finish 6 subject.
We were having our 'high tea'
beside the beach.
(Hate)Smoke Smoke Smoke(Hate)
Meet panjang.
He's quite a good person.
The car's oil left 7km to walk.
I'll pump later.
Either Petronas or Shell xDDDD
later will hang out with KhengShii.(click on)
who just back from Australia.
And also with Athena who will fall in trepidation with CATS.
Unfortunately.The place we will meet .Seribu Bintang has many many uncountable cats.
Let's pray for her.
And also SiHui.(Jong)
Go to bath now.
tomorrow need to study in Biology.
(OS:I haven't found people who can accompany me in the following week.)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Altough i only went there for 10 minutes.fetch Alice only.
fatigued fatigued fatigued.
before i went to library.
I did wash the car since 1.30pm to 3.00pm.
omg.but satisfied with the consequense.
But golly,the dog cage of our 'lovely' neighbour kept give out foul stench.
Since I was small.i liked to wash the car because to play water.
After 6years(or longer) first time i wash the car.The sense is Memorable.
Let's bless for oioi who squeezing her mind in BK(Bible Knowledge) paper.
Today's moral paper not really difficult but i use 2 hours to finish it.
Longer than usual.
Satisfied too.
Then we had had our lunch in Pizza.
Total RM77.xx for 4 people.Normal but FULL!!!
Jack went to Kapit for training.1month.long right?
Raining again.like to rain but not now.
My car have just washed!!!!!!!!!
It's long time I didn't take photo.
Same with other.we all fighting for SPM.
tired but happy.
Furthermore, my skin getting worse and worse.
Sleep insufficient for many days.
Sheng said:"Why your eyelid swollen?"
Annoying that.
Tomorrow will have Add. Math exam.
hope i can score well.
catchphrase:Because yesterday i had 念经>.<
We organising to go natural walk after SPM?
anyone willing to join us?
And I try to persevere for blogging daily.
Stop here.Comment.
(OS:it doesn't need to complicate)
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's tired to did Mathematics work.
and the invigilator do not allow us to go out early.
In the morning,we 6 people went to DaLi coffee shop for breakfast.
in hurry speed,because we arrived there in 7.15am and our exam will starting in 30mins later.
Excite right?
After dined, when we were doing the Maths. paper.
we felt something wrong in our stomach.
OMG. all PAIN!
regret to ate there.
After the exam [12.30pm]
Clyde,Jessica x2,Rachel,HL,Joy went to CoffeeShop
eat 'Bak Kut Teh'
is that weird that we eat that 'HOT and SPICY' food in extremely hot weather?
Golly,but felt well.
Today i was talking to Sheng, the main invigilator (zhongping) look like Wong Hok Yeong (a HongKong conductor.really.
The house beside me is keep sound NNNNNNNNNNNNN
Decoration is in progress..
so i am going to library now.
Thats all for today.Comment pls.
(OS:what the hell of the undesired sound.huh)